New Moon Yoga & Psych-K Retreat New Moons are special, a time to enfold into your real self, the timeless one. Hence, we offer you this unique retreat on the final weekend of October 2016, brought to you by Psych-K practitioner, Madeleine Luceaga, & Yogini and Holistic Eatologist, Shannon Nering. Prepare for a weekend of self-discovery, connection and re-birth. Imagine entering a portal for a new beginning with 10 like-minded soul-sisters… shift any blockages that may be limiting your life’s journey through Psych-K; balance yourself through power-flow yoga and guided meditation in the yoga dome; ground your soul-centre in the pristine nature of Bowen Island; learn holistic solutions for the unique changes of the 40-something female body; nourish your insides with delicious, locally-sourced, plant-based foods; and howl at the new moon in a unique bonding ritual that may just initiate your dreams. From Shannon Nering: I am fascinated with the human body and it’s healing abilities. After years of devouring articles and books on the subject of health, food, wellness, disease, stress, longevity, spirituality, the earth and all that, I decided to share this passion here and now with the October 2016 New Moon Retreat. I hope you will join. To learn more about what I do, please visit & Subscribe to my mail list to be the first to see The 40-Girl’s Guide to Health! – my brand new web-series on holistic advice for 35+ women – launches mid-September 2016.